Allegedly bribed by the top indian tech and internet companies led by google,tata , the government agencies are openly involved in government SLAVERY in the indian internet sector since 2010 with government agencies refusing to acknowledge the computer work,investment of a single woman engineer instead falsely giving credit, monthly salaries to various google,tata sponsored cheater married women, scammer students and other frauds who do not spend any time doing the computer work, do not invest money in domains at all.
The hardworking single woman is falsely labelled a security threat for complaining, yet the fact is that in all other sectors in india the citizen spending their time working is compensated, acknowledged by the government, only in the indian internet sector the government is making fake claims about the wife of a tata power employee guruprasad, when the wife nayanshree is only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband, similar cheater married women, scammer students and other frauds.
For example in most shops there are few customers every day, yet the shop owner will pay the staff the salary agreed,even if the staff is idle most of the time,sitting or standing,and waiting for the customer
Only in the indian internet sector, the government refuses to acknowledge the work done by domain investors, online publishers and is falsely giving credit,monthly salaries to cheater housewives, scammer students and other frauds who do not invest money in domains,do not do any kind of computer work at all, based on the complete lies of some government employees from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay